Truck Accident Lawyer

Being in a truck accident can have more severe consequences than being in a car accident. Not only is the extent of damage likely to be greater, but legal consequences following the crash can be far more complex, especially depending on who is at fault. Understanding these laws can be challenging, no matter if you are the plaintiff or defendant in a case. Here are some reasons you might consider hiring a lawyer after your accident.

The Insurance Company May Not Offer You Fair Compensation 

If you’re in an accident where the other driver was at fault, you’ll want to file a claim to get rightfully compensated for your losses or injury. That claim can potentially cover extra medical costs, lost wages from being unable to work and other suffering. In order to pay as little as possible, the insurance company of the faulty driver may offer a low sum to you before all the damage can be assessed in hopes you’ll take it prematurely. A lawyer can help determine if they are offering a just amount, or if you could get much more.

Fault Is Not Black and White

Determining fault in a truck accident case can go well beyond the drivers involved. While they may be the most likely causes of the accident, others may be at fault, including the trucking company, manufacturers and contractors. It’s possible that the trucking company failed to carry out proper maintenance checks on their trucks or that a manufacturer released a defective part that resulted in the accident. An attorney can investigate these mishaps and help you build a case that will lead to the greatest success.

A Lawyer Can Defend Your Rights

In these complicated cases, a lawyer may be your best bet at gaining the most compensation and representing your case. His or her knowledge of the laws surrounding trucks — which vary depending on the state you live in — may be essential in constructing a valid claim. A lawyer can take the details of your account of the accident, other evidence and witness statements to advise you on the best course of action and steer your case in the right direction.

When seeking out an attorney, always research his or her experience and success rates with former cases. Seeking out a truck accident lawyer in Trenton, NJ is usually best, and speaking to his or her past clients can be an excellent way to judge whether an attorney is a good fit for you.



Thanks to Davis & Brusca, LLC for their insight into personal injury claims and reasons to hire a truck accident lawyer.

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