Pool Injury
Personal Injury Lawyer
The swimming pool can be like a second home in the summer months. It is seen as a place where one can be completely free and comfortable to dive in without judgement. Unfortunately, as fun as the swimming pool may be, it is equally dangerous and can lead to several injuries if an individual is not careful. Pools are obviously filled with water, and with so many people jumping and running in and out, the pool is also surrounded by water. Injuries and deaths even occur at and in swimming pools if you are not careful. There are many ways to avoid being hurt, but there are also some things that are unavoidable. It is important to understand that swimming pool injuries are very serious, and of course so are poolside deaths. If you or someone you know has been hurt in, at, or around a swimming pool or has died, depending on certain factors you may be entitled to compensation for your pain and suffering. You will need to speak with a personal injury attorney as soon as possible.
While there are safety precautions that may come as obvious, there are certain rules and regulations that must be explained and displayed, especially at public swimming pools. Because a swimming pool injury or death is a premise liability incident, there are elements that must be considered if you are pursuing a personal injury claim.
It is important to know who the lawsuit is against. The property owner, manufacturer, or even the individual or company who put the pool together. This depends on how the injury or death was caused.
Who was responsible for ensuring that those at the pool were safe and aware of safety precautions? Was that person negligent?
If the person that is responsible of providing safety made the rules accessible and understood, were those precautions followed?
Injuries have a wide range in swimming pools cases and can be life-altering, this is why it is smart to speak with a skilled personal injury attorney with experience with premise liability incidents. If the pool owner or other liable party failed to do their part, you should not have to suffer and a personal injury attorney in Atlanta, GA will assist in making sure you don’t. Do not wait until it is too late, as soon as a death or injury occurs seek legal counsel so that you do not have to suffer as much as you can when you handle these things alone.
Thanks to Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. for their insight into personal injury claims and pool injuries.