Distracted Drivers
Government agencies and safety advocates have spent millions of dollars across the country, trying to get out the message about how dangerous distracted driving is. Despite these efforts, drivers still engage in dangerous distracted driving behaviors, such as texting, checking and posting on social media, taking photos, and more. However, not only are these behaviors ones that drivers should avoid, but they are also activities that pedestrians should avoid, as well.
National statistics reveal that distracted driving has become an epidemic in this country. There are almost 10 people killed in the U.S. every single day because of a distracted driver. More than 1,000 victims suffer serious or severe injuries each day in distracted driving accidents. Some of the more common ways drivers are distracted include:
- Cognitive distractions, which occur when the driver’s mind is not focused on driving but on something else.
- Manual distractions, which occur when the driver takes their hands off the wheel to do something else
- Visual distractions, which occur when the driver takes their eyes off the road and looks at something else
Safety advocates agree that the number one “distraction” for drivers is their smartphones. These devices can cause all three types of distractions at the same time – cognitive, manual, and visual – when a driver grabs their phone while they are driving.
Other common causes of distracted driving accidents include eating, drinking, setting or looking at GPS, making phone calls, or changing the radio or CD player. Even talking to a passenger in the vehicle can cause a driver to become distracted from the road.
Pedestrian Accidents
One of the most alarming spikes in statistics over the past couple of years is how many pedestrian accidents are caused by distractions. But it is not the driver of the vehicle that is distracted – it is the pedestrian who is walking and looking down at their smartphone instead of looking and focusing on where they are walking and what is going on around them. Pedestrians who are going to school or work, running errands, or exercising often are engaged in texting, social media, listening to music, or other smartphone activities while they are walking. This often results in the following:
- They disregard traffic signals at intersections
- They fail to hear any warnings or noise (i.e. sirens, horns beeping) of dangers
- They fail to notice a driver who is speeding, running a light, or other bad driving behavior that puts the pedestrian in danger
- They step or stumble, causing them to fall off a sidewalk onto the street
Both drivers and pedestrians should put away their smartphones and keep focused on what is going on around them. This will go a long way in helping to decrease the incidents of distracted driving accidents.
If you have been injured in an accident caused by a distracted driver, you need a skilled personal injury lawyer in Memphis, TN representing you. Contact a law firm today to schedule a free case evaluation and find out how an attorney can help.
Thanks to Patterson Bray for their insight into personal injury claims and the dangers of distracted driving.