Despite increased safety features and awareness, car accidents are still one of the leading causes of injury and death in the U.S., according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA); if you were in an accident, you know that it can be traumatic and stressful to deal with insurance companies, hospitals, and law enforcement officials even with the help of a Chicago car accident lawyer. Our friends at Disparti Law want to help make this process easier for you by debunking 5 common myths about car accidents. These myths make people falsely believe that they’re not at fault or that they aren’t really injured.

1) Myth: Driving is dangerous.

Driving is only dangerous when people are distracted, in a hurry, or speeding. Traffic accidents are not an inevitability. If people paid attention to the road and followed the rules of the road we would have far fewer crashes. The American Automobile Association’s Foundation for Traffic Safety found that driver distraction has increased exponentially as has the number of texts people send while driving – more than eight times what it was in 2004. In 2017 more than 41% of all crashes involved a cell phone use distraction and 16% involved text messaging. Taking care when on the road can prevent these traffic accidents from happening in the first place, though people should always be prepared for whatever comes their way and never text behind the wheel.

2) Myth: There are too many drivers on the road.

The simple truth is that there are many factors that can contribute to car accidents, not just the sheer number of drivers on the road. The age of drivers and the types of cars, for example, can have a significant impact on how often accidents occur. Older drivers tend to get into more accidents than younger drivers. Since this group is larger, the total number of accidents would be higher than if the population were made up to reflect a younger demographic. However, despite any outside factors or statistics, it’s still important for people who drive a lot (such as truckers) to stay alert and minimize their chances of getting into an accident at all costs. Luckily, practicing safe driving habits will lead these drivers down that less bumpy path in life.

3) Myth: Collisions are unavoidable.

This may be the most compelling of all arguments, given how much we hear about drivers trying to push through any challenge. Unfortunately, accidents are not only avoidable; they are also preventable. And if you think about it, collision avoidance is really a no-brainer. Any hard object that comes in contact with your car can do significant damage, not to mention an innocent victim on the other side of the street or a fragile-looking old lady in a sedan you may have just run over without meaning to. Giving yourself enough time to react — just 2 seconds — can make all the difference. All that might seem like little enough for a driver to do when compared with bending time and space around heavy traffic or snaking up highway ramps from three car lengths back in rush hour traffic.

4) Myth: Car crashes can only happen in bad weather.

It is true that accidents are more likely to happen in adverse weather conditions, such as icy roads and during rainstorms. However, a car crash can happen any time of the year as long as two cars are involved and one is traveling at least 10 miles per hour faster than the other. If a driver has a cellphone or drinks alcohol, that also increases their risk of getting into an accident. Lastly, when drivers experience distractions such as cell phones or other drivers weaving on the road from texting, this greatly increases the risk of them being involved in an accident.

5) Myth: Bad luck caused my accident.

Sorry, but this is not likely! Instead, your accident was probably due to weather, malfunctions, distractions, or more. If you have been in an accident, contact a lawyer immediately!

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