Not all injury accidents involve just two vehicles or only one responsible party. A truck accident attorney Dekalb County GA trusts, knows from experience that every collision is different and there are any number of variables that make it unique. One constant is that passenger car occupants can be seriously injured on impact with a truck. Victims can sustain injuries that require substantial and long-term care. When more than one party is responsible for causing the accident, it can be a complicated matter to seek the compensation they deserve. Our attorneys have the skills and experience necessary to handle multi-party personal injury claims. We can obtain the maximum amount of compensation possible from one or more at-fault parties. Call us immediately for a no-cost consultation with a truck accident lawyer Atlanta, GA from our legal team to find out how we might be of assistance to you.

Collisions Caused by Both Drivers

In the immediate aftermath of a serious car versus truck accident, the driver of the passenger vehicle might fear they are partially responsible. They may then wonder if they qualify for any compensation to pay for their medical treatment and other accident damages. In actuality, before a comprehensive forensic accident investigation is completed, it can be very difficult to determine exactly who was at fault, and to what percentage. In addition, depending on the state’s laws, injured victims of accidents may be entitled to compensation in direct relation to the percentage that they were not responsible for causing the accident. ou can feel confident that our legal team will investigate the cause of the collision to determine your level of responsibility, and how much compensation you are eligible to receive. It’s not unusual for a client to believe they bear partial responsibility when in fact they had nothing to do with causing the accident.

Collisions Involving Several Vehicles

As mentioned, it can be very difficult to determine which parties are at fault and to what extent without the assistance of a truck accident lawyer. If your attorney determines that one or more other drivers caused your injury, we will file personal injury claims with the appropriate parties. To protect the best interests of our clients, we are prepared to pursue civil lawsuits as necessary if the involved insurance companies do not negotiate settlements in good faith.

Collisions Caused by Third Parties

Truck accidents are sometimes caused in part or in their entirety by parties who were not present at the location of the collision. How is this possible? As a truck accident lawyer might tell you, it’s not unusual for a truck to lose control because of a mechanical failure or a load shift. A thorough investigation of the circumstances can determine exactly what happened, and what events led to the accident. Here are some common examples of third parties who might be responsible, though the list is not inclusive:

  •         Manufacturers: Defective parts, incorrectly installed parts, the lack of safety features can all lead to an out-of-control truck.
  •         Cargo loaders: If a load shift occurs because it was not properly loaded or secured, sharp turns or abrupt changes in speed can lead to a crash.
  •         Trucking company: By law, drivers must receive comprehensive training appropriate to their duties and must take mandated breaks for rest. If the company does not fulfill their obligations in this way or pressure drivers to skip rest breaks, they can be held responsible for an accident.

Call a Truck Accident Lawyer Who Can Protect Your Rights

No two accidents are the same but we can protect your rights from whomever is responsible. Call us today to speak with a truck accident lawyer who can review your case at no charge.

Thank you to Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. for providing their insight on truck accidents and authoring this piece.


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