If you’ve been involved in a semi-truck accident, you might want to seek counsel from a truck accident lawyer Baltimore residents depend on. At our firm we know that many accident victims have several questions following a collision. While we encourage you to speak with us in person, here are a few Q&As that may be helpful:

As a victim of a truck accident, what kind of damages can I recover?

If you were injured from the negligence or malfunction of a commercial truck, you may able to obtain compensation for damages. A truck accident lawyer Baltimore residents recommend could help you recover damages for:

Medical expenses, both present and future. This may include hospital bills, physical therapy and other related medical expenses.
Lost wages and compensation for losses of future earnings.
Compensation for your pain and suffering or physical impairment.

Furthermore, family members may seek wrongful death claims in truck accident situations. In addition to the compensation above, families may also seek damages for the loss of care, companionship, and funeral expenses. Working with an experienced truck accident lawyer Baltimore citizens can depend on may help you receive the compensation you deserve.

How are truck accidents different from other accidents?

There are two main differences between being involved in a semi-truck accident versus a passenger automobile accident. Firstly, accidents that involve semi-trucks have a higher probability of ending in disastrously because of the size and weight of a semi-truck.

Secondly, semi-trucks are required to carry larger amounts of insurance coverage, and are subject to a completely different set of state and local safety regulations. Liability may also lie with several parties. Because of the different variables surrounding a semi-truck accident, seeking an experienced truck accident lawyer Baltimore residents trust may help immensely when pursuing a personal injury or wrongful death claim.

What are possible causes of truck accidents?

Despite how cautious and diligent a truck driver might be, driving a commercial truck with heavy cargo is inherently more difficult to operate safely. A truck accident lawyer in Baltimore MD may suggest that the common causes of truck accidents include:

Inadequate training in the areas of driving technique or safety concerns. This may result in aggressive driving such as speeding or failing to change lanes safely.
Driving while fatigued or in a rush due to an unrealistic scheduling of the trucking companies.
Failing to properly maintain the truck or conduct ongoing vehicle inspections.
Loading the truck improperly, or failing to secure the cargo properly.
Driver negligence, equipment malfunction, or negligent maintenance of the truck could result in injury or even wrongful death. You might seek counsel from a truck accident lawyer Baltimore trusts to explain your legal options.

If I am injured in a truck accident, who can I sue?

There may be several different people or companies that could be held liable for your injuries. Hiring a top Baltimore truck accident lawyer may help sort out who is legally responsible for the accident. Liable parties may include one or more of the following:

Owner of the rig
Owner of the tractor-trailer cab and trailer (typically the trucking company)
Owner of the cargo
Manufacturer of the cab, trailer, or any truck part
A third-party maintenance company

What should my next step be?

The trusted attorneys at our firm may help you navigate the complex and sometimes tedious process of getting the compensation you deserve for your injuries and losses. Contact an experienced truck accident lawyer Baltimore turns to for a free consultation and more information.

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